Get ready to celebrate love in style at Yeadon Town Hall theatre!
Starting in 2025, we're thrilled to announce that Yeadon Town Hall Theatre will be hosting wedding receptions!
If you're searching for a venue that's anything but ordinary, look no further.
Picture this: an elegant reception in the heart of Yeadon's historic town hall, steeped in charm and character, surrounded by your loved ones. From the moment you step inside, you'll fall in love with the unique atmosphere and timeless beauty of our venue.
Why choose Yeadon Town Hall for your wedding reception?
Not only do we offer a one-of-a-kind setting, but our dedicated team is committed to making your
special day unforgettable.
Ready to start planning the celebration of a lifetime? Don't wait – enquire now to find out more and discover why Yeadon Town Hall is the perfect choice for couples who want something a little bit different.
For further information, contact us today at: weddings@yeadontownhall.com